
konplan Bluetooth Schnittstellen Testsystem mobile Diagnosegeräte Bluetooth-Schnittstellen-Testsystems

Internationalization of User Interfaces

How developing a translation plugin to internationalize user interfaces leads to shorter development times.

Bluetooth interface test system for mobile diagnostic devices

How the development of a Bluetooth interface test system can ensure early problem detection even before market launch.

Medical analysis data from the mobile device to the hospital system

The project proposal was to design and develop Android operating system modules for communication between the mobile diagnostic devices and the hospital management system.
konplan Medical Cyber Security

Medical cyber security for medical analysis equipment

Our customer is a leading international company in the field of medical technology and develops medical analysis equipment for measuring blood sugar in the point-of-care area.

Electronics and Embedded Systems

Close interaction between hardware and software

Architecture and Concept Development

You can count on our many years of experience