Self-stabilizing microscope articulating arm
Functional model of a self-stabilizing microscope articulating arm system for medical diagnosis and the treatment of various diseases.

Development of the device cooling for a robotic visualization system
Through calculation, simulation, construction, and prototype construction, an optimal system design for the device cooling was developed.

Internationalization of User Interfaces
How developing a translation plugin to internationalize user interfaces leads to shorter development times.

Bluetooth interface test system for mobile diagnostic devices
How the development of a Bluetooth interface test system can ensure early problem detection even before market launch.

Medical analysis data from the mobile device to the hospital system
The project proposal was to design and develop Android operating system modules for communication between the mobile diagnostic devices and the hospital management system.

Medical cyber security for medical analysis equipment
Our customer is a leading international company in the field of medical technology and develops medical analysis equipment for measuring blood sugar in the point-of-care area.

Testing system for the multi rotary switch MR50 from ELMA
ELMA is a leading global provider of embedded computing solutions with a range that includes a variety of HMI rotary switches.

Development of the EOL testing system for breast pumps
Medela is a worldwide provider of innovative, research-based products for feeding babies with breast milk, as well as medical solutions for hospitals and clinical training.

Remote monitoring for smart implants
A Swiss medical device startup is developing an active implant to support the orthopedic industry in the treatment of complicated bone fractures.

Implantable medical device for lymphedema treatment
Lymphatica Medtech SA is a young startup and is developing a minimally invasive product for the treatment of lymphedema.

Console for Controlled Flow Infusion (CoFITM)
CorFlow Therapeutics AG is a medtech startup based in Zug that is developing a new type of therapy for diagnosis and treatment of “microvascular obstructions” after a heart attack

Lung-on-chip System
Organs-on-chips are biotechnologically produced in vitro models that imitate the structure and function of human organs.