Entwicklung eines Thermotherapiegerätes zum Behandeln von kutaner Leishmaniose

DermatoTherma hat ein kostengünstiges Thermotherapiegerät in Form eines Demonstrators entwickelt, das zur Behandlung der Krankheit kutane Leishmaniose dient. In Zusammenarbeit mit konplan soll das Gerät zu einem Medizinprodukt entwickelt und für die FDA-Zulassung vorbereitet werden.

Development of an end-of-line test system

konplan supported PharmaSens in the development of a new type of insulin patch pump "niia essential".

Intuitive operation of digital solutions thanks to human-centered design

Together with evux, we performed two usability engineering projects for PEDeus which significantly improved the efficiency and user-friendliness of the mobile application for emergency medicine and the web application for the preparation and administration of medication.
konplan PharmaSens Integration Lösungsfindung Konstruktion Mechanik Umbau Konzeption

Revolutionary insulin pump system

With medical technology know-how, we were able to support PharmaSens with the successful FDA submission of their insulin pump system.
konplan MOB Umrüstung Billettautomat bargeldloser Zahlungsverkehr Integration Lösungsfindung Konstruktion Mechanik Umbau Konzeption

Retrofit of ticket machines for cashless payment transactions

Massive reduction in maintenance costs by converting existing machines to a purely cashless payment option.
konplan Entwicklung mikrofluidische Kartusche Analysegerät Medizintechnik Multiparameter-Analysegerät Mikrofluidik Design Automatisierbarkeit Machbarkeitsstudie

Development of a microfluidic cartridge for an analytical device

After thorough material evaluation, the feasibility studies for a microfluidic cartridge of an analytical device were successfully verified.
Entwicklung Gerätekühlung robotisches Visualisierungssystem Systemkühlung Medizintechnik Operationssaal Systemdesign Simulation Konstruktion Lüfter

Development of the device cooling for a robotic visualization system

Through calculation, simulation, construction, and prototype construction, an optimal system design for the device cooling was developed.

Dry laundry – fast and energy-efficient

With the development of the new generation of tumble dryers, a sustainable, high-performance and aesthetically pleasing product has been created.
konplan Bluetooth Schnittstellen Testsystem mobile Diagnosegeräte Bluetooth-Schnittstellen-Testsystems

Internationalization of User Interfaces

How developing a translation plugin to internationalize user interfaces leads to shorter development times.
konplan Entwicklung automatische Kalibrierlösung Messtechnik Produktentwicklung PCB

Functional testing of PCBs in use

To test different product types in use, a customer-specific testing device was developed which is used by one of the customer's suppliers for quality assurance.
konplan Anbindung Geschirrspüler IoT Internet of Things Belimed Gehrig

Connecting dishwashers to the Internet of Things (IoT)

In this project, konplan developed the OOP firmware for a connectivity module that allowed connecting dishwashers to the Internet of Things (IoT).
konplan Entwicklung automatische Kalibrierlösung Messtechnik Produktentwicklung PCB

Development of an automatic calibration solution

How developing a custom calibration and adjustment device reduces calibration time from one hour to eight minutes.